Joint Venture or Debt Equity Loan


Joint Venture

What is a Joint Venture:
A joint venture is a strategic alliance where two or more parties, usually businesses, form a partnership to share markets, intellectual property, assets, knowledge, and, of course, profits.

A joint venture differs from a merger in the sense that there is no transfer of ownership in the deal.

This partnership can happen between goliaths in an industry. It can also occur between two small businesses that believe partnering will help them successfully fight their bigger competitors.

Companies with identical products and services can also join forces to penetrate markets they wouldn't or couldn't consider without investing tremendous resources. Furthermore, due to local regulations, some markets can only be penetrated via joint venturing with a local business.

In some cases, a large company can decide to form a joint venture with a smaller business in order to quickly acquire critical intellectual property, technology, or resources otherwise hard to obtain, even with plenty of cash at their disposal.

Do you wish to:

  • Increase profits?

  • Share R&D expenses?

  • Extend or maintain market position?

  • Improve distribution channels?

  • Reduce overall costs/economies of scale?

  • Develop new technology?

  • Diversify product offerings?

  • Reduce competition?

  • Spread risk (mainly on large investments)?

Bentley Capital Funding can assist you with finding a Joint Venture or placing you with a debt equity loan. Your dollar request must be 10 million or more with your project cash flowing now or within in the next 3 to 6 months.

How to move forward: Email Bentley Capital Funding the following items enclosed in a Business Plan. After careful review and interest, Bentley Capital Funding will call and schedule a conference call, visit and work toward a closing date. Closing times vary.

  • Company History

  • Market Research

  • Concept of the Commercial Project

  • Feasibility Study

  • Marketing Plan

  • Five year Financial Projections

  • Management Team Resumes

  • Executive Summary

Joint Venture

Rates and terms are subject to change.